MetroLink Green Line
Neighborhood Station Design Workshops This Week!
Come give your input on potential station designs, amenities and safety features during this interactive workshop. Each presentation will cover the same topics:
Tuesday, December 3, 5-7 p.m. at the Polish Heritage Center, 1413 N. 20th Street.
Wednesday, December 4, 5-7 p.m. at the German Cultural Society, 3652 Jefferson Ave.
Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m. to Noon at Phyllis Wheatley Heritage Center, 2711 Locust Street.
Be sure to attend at the beginning of the event. We will start each workshop with a brief presentation.
Do you have a question for the project team? Would you like us to meet with your neighborhood or present to your organization?
Contact us at or call us at (314) 200-5675 or send us your comments and suggestions here.
We strive to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
You can also find us at events near you. Visit the Event Calendar on the website at