Message from SLMPD District 2 TGS Liaison Officer - P.O. Nicola Walker

Greetings from South Patrol,

We want to share some exciting information with you.  You can easily view weekly crime statistics for the entire city, by district and by neighborhood, and access our new crime mapping application just by visiting our website.

To access these and other exciting things our Department showcases, visit On the top menu, choose “Data and Reports”, then select “Crime Statistics” or "Crime Mapping" from the drop-down menu.  You can also use the links below:

Crime  Statistics: As you know, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department implemented the CompStat Methodology. Originally pioneered in the New York City Police Department, this methodology involves the compiling and review of crime statistics at a citywide level as well as broken down by geographic areas of responsibility. Crime data are collected and compared against the 7-day, 28-day and Year-To-Date periods for the year prior, as well as Year-To-Date periods for prior years. On a weekly basis, the Commissioner and command staff hold a CompStat meeting, during which commanding officers of districts and specialized units present their data, address crime patterns or trends, and speak to the plan they have developed to respond to those trends – and the resource allocation associated with their plan.

By applying business management principles to policing, CompStat helps ensure that supervisors are held accountable for crimes that occur in their respective areas. It also provides an opportunity to review trends and allocate personnel and resources accordingly.

The CompStat figures included in each weekly report are posted on Monday, one week after the closing date.

CompStat figures are preliminary and are subject to change through the course of further analysis and review. Crime statistics reflect Missouri Criminal Codes and may differ from the crime categories of the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program. These numbers are utilized to develop strategies and trends for crime prevention.

Please note:

  • Felony Theft and Misdemeanor Theft percentages in 2021 are inconsistent for the time period of January until February due changes in Missouri State crime classification

  • Juvenile Shooting Incidents and Juvenile Shooting Victims are included in the Shooting Incidents and Shooting Victims. Shooting Incidents are included in Aggravated Assaults.

Crime mapping  On October 14th, SLMPD rolled out this informational-sharing tool that reaffirms our commitment to transparency. Crime Mapping will help our community stay informed on crime reports in their neighborhood. It can also help our residents and business leaders make informed decisions and lead to a community-engaged approach to crime prevention. The map is updated every 24hrs and available for 6 months from date of occurrence. The map will point to the nearest hundred block of where the crime is reported. Data is pulled from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).  Crime reports will include felonies and misdemeanors. It may look different than CompStat because CompStat pulls data from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR). Crime Mapping incidents appear after a report has been closed and approved.  There may be a delay in some incidents (like homicides) appearing for this reason.  Sex crimes, domestic crimes and crimes where a juvenile is the victim of an incident will not appear on Crime Mapping.  Residents can set up alerts when new incidents are reported and appear on the map.


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